Today is the D-day. Today, the river is going to turn back to its original track. Original, so as to say. Being a new river, it started running through a different track, from a now very dillute source. It left marks on the terrain over which it ran through originally, probably indeleble. But now, it is running through other place. The repairments done to its basin made it necessary to be deviated through other course, but it was soon to be discovered that the new course was totally inviable, when the river escaped it violently, leaving a trace of death and destruction. During the repairment of these incidents, it was kept contained in the terrains it passed in its beginning, while the new original course was in preparation to embrace it again. These terrains suffered a lot of pressure and water saturation, which left them even more marked. It is expectable, even, that these terrains will become the lake that will be the source of this river, though the terrain might be too weak and unstable to hold it or whatever thing. It might collapse or stay strong for millions of years. You know, you never know with hydrological phenomena. But finally, the day has come. Now the river is going to be released to its original track. It is not going to be a slow releasing. The engineers expect it to be sudden and violent, in order to seal the new track and give it the naturality it needs; and draining the containing terrain as much as possible as well, to test its strength. The engineers expect it to be strong enough to hold the beginnings of the flow, and other rivers as well, which might be ephemeral. But the only known thing is that this river will flow through them for a period of time very close to eternity.
Current audio input: Karlheinz Stockhausen - Gesange der Nglinge
Hydrological Engineering
if "subject"=Baloo; then run "open_kernel"
kernel successfully opened @
5:21:00 p. m.
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My pain
Feels like tiny shards of glass
gently but violently pushing through
your body
You know you don't want to feel it,
but you can't help it.
And you make yourself feel it,
you force yourself to stand it
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
you say
But you know that there are times
when you'd prefer it would kill you.
Feels like your chest is in constant expansion
but contracting at the same time.
Thus, the tension is unbearable
but you have to bear with it,
as you've always done,
'cause you got to show no weakness
'cause everybody trusts in you
'cause everybody leans on you.
And you stupidly can't lean on anybody
'cause you promised yourself
you wouldn't lean on anyone anymore
And that makes you a cynic
'cause you never tell what you feel
'cause you never act the way you feel.
It's easier to disguise yourself
than to show your pain to the others
'cause you are a rough, insensitive bastard
Always stiff upper lip.
But in the inside
You're no more than a bag of chewed candy.
(don't worry, this was written a while ago. It's only that now it feels far enough to be published)
Current audio input: Yui Miyake - Angel Flavor's Present
gently but violently pushing through
your body
You know you don't want to feel it,
but you can't help it.
And you make yourself feel it,
you force yourself to stand it
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
you say
But you know that there are times
when you'd prefer it would kill you.
Feels like your chest is in constant expansion
but contracting at the same time.
Thus, the tension is unbearable
but you have to bear with it,
as you've always done,
'cause you got to show no weakness
'cause everybody trusts in you
'cause everybody leans on you.
And you stupidly can't lean on anybody
'cause you promised yourself
you wouldn't lean on anyone anymore
And that makes you a cynic
'cause you never tell what you feel
'cause you never act the way you feel.
It's easier to disguise yourself
than to show your pain to the others
'cause you are a rough, insensitive bastard
Always stiff upper lip.
But in the inside
You're no more than a bag of chewed candy.
(don't worry, this was written a while ago. It's only that now it feels far enough to be published)
Current audio input: Yui Miyake - Angel Flavor's Present
if "subject"=Baloo; then run "open_kernel"
kernel successfully opened @
7:54:00 a. m.
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Y fue así como al fin cayó en las garras de su perseguidor. Había decidido dejarse atrapar esta vez. Única y exclusivamente porque le daba la real gana. No había nada que temer, y nada de que arrepentirse. Al menos, si se lo hacía creer a sí mismo. La verdad es que no había mucho de que autoconvencerse. Le gustó, se sintió bien, y lo mejor de todo es que no quedó con ese regusto culpable que le dejaban las cosas hechas porque si. Es decir, lo hecho, bien hecho está. Ahora debía comenzar a hacerse la idea que la configuración de su universo probablemente cambiaría, quiza a algo a lo que ya estaba acostumbrado. El había cambiado un poco, y debería acostumbrarse de vuelta. si tu avanzas, y tu universo retrocede, es inevitable estar fuera de fase. El era el vivo ejemplo de dicha singularidad espaciotemporal. se preguntaba porqué los científicos no habian comenzado a investigarlo. Quizá porque al estar desfasado no podian verlo, duh! Pero pronto se darían cuenta. Por el momento, se preparaba para disfrutar sus últimos momentos en la fase adecuada, antes de entrar al hiperespacio otra vez.
Current audio input:Télépopmusik featuring Mau - Last train to wherever
Current audio input:Télépopmusik featuring Mau - Last train to wherever
if "subject"=Baloo; then run "open_kernel"
kernel successfully opened @
6:07:00 a. m.
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No, no me he cambiado, no teman...
This will never close...
Current audio input: Télépopmusik - Love can be harmful to your health
This will never close...
Current audio input: Télépopmusik - Love can be harmful to your health
if "subject"=Baloo; then run "open_kernel"
kernel successfully opened @
7:06:00 p. m.
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