Taking out the trash served as a catalyst to get rid of his phantoms. But it also brought new ghosts into play. He might not have been ready to do so. He was ready enough. He just wasn't. The only thing he was sure of is that he had made the right thing. It hurt, though. But he was sure that once he had cleaned everything, he would feel fine again. He was on the right path...
Current audio input: Lights -Toes
if "subject"=Baloo; then run "open_kernel"
kernel successfully opened @
10:39:00 p. m.
No hay comentarios.:

How did I get to here?
A random chain of events
Or chemical and elements
Conspiring, divining
From the star I've been pulled apart
By weightless love
And the heavy hearts
Of sadness
Oh, I was born blown minded
With an eye on oblivion
oh, I was born blown minded
With an eye on oblivion
In my heart I have lived without aught
It's been the war of attrition
Between a small-minded fool
And sublime intuition
I believe there's a meteor out there
With my name on it
Hurtling through space
And nothing can stop it
Oh, I was born blown minded
With an eye on oblivion
Oh, I was born blown minded
With an eye on oblivion
Young Galaxy - Blown Minded
A random chain of events
Or chemical and elements
Conspiring, divining
From the star I've been pulled apart
By weightless love
And the heavy hearts
Of sadness
Oh, I was born blown minded
With an eye on oblivion
oh, I was born blown minded
With an eye on oblivion
In my heart I have lived without aught
It's been the war of attrition
Between a small-minded fool
And sublime intuition
I believe there's a meteor out there
With my name on it
Hurtling through space
And nothing can stop it
Oh, I was born blown minded
With an eye on oblivion
Oh, I was born blown minded
With an eye on oblivion
Young Galaxy - Blown Minded
Finalmente, la crisálida salió de su capullo, dejando un rastro de sangre y destrucción y sin estar completamente desarrollada, como criatura de otros planetas de película de ficción. O al menos eso creía ella. Se dió cuenta de su error cuando se dió cuenta que la sangre le pertenecía a si misma, y que lo destruído había sido su nido, donde de otra forma hubiera estado segura y protegida, para terminar de desarollarse. "Bueno", pensó "habrá que ponerse a limpiar"...
if "subject"=Baloo; then run "open_kernel"
kernel successfully opened @
11:35:00 p. m.
No hay comentarios.:

Dividido entre el deber y la necesidad, inicio un camino que no esperaba. Un camino que no vislumbraba en el futuro.Un camino que no se donde comenzó. El paisaje es hermoso, el pavimento escabroso. No tengo miedo de su destino, pero temo atravesarlo, para llegar a él...
Current audio input: Oscillator - Nami Iro
Current audio input: Oscillator - Nami Iro
if "subject"=Baloo; then run "open_kernel"
kernel successfully opened @
8:59:00 a. m.
No hay comentarios.:

Es raro volver acá luego de casi 5 años, y ver que mi estado es básicamente el mismo. Que sigo pasando por los mismos trances que mi cobardía no me permite dejar atrás. Que los actores cambian, pero los papeles se mantienen. Que tengo miedo y tengo una necesidad insoportable de lanzarme a lo desconocido. Que después de mil vueltas estoy en el mismo lugar. Que debo iniciar algo nuevo y terminar algo viejo. Llevar a cabo la ecdisis que tanto he retrasado, dejar lo que no me deja crecer y avanzar. Que sigo temiendole a la destrucción que esto traerá. Que el drama es lo que menos quiero, pero lo que más necesito...
Hola. He vuelto...
Current audio input: Maia Hirasawa - It doesn't stop (Cornelius remix)
Hola. He vuelto...
Current audio input: Maia Hirasawa - It doesn't stop (Cornelius remix)
if "subject"=Baloo; then run "open_kernel"
kernel successfully opened @
10:05:00 p. m.
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