
axioma N° 14

Tengo el criterio lo suficientemente formado como para no querer ser identificado como alguien con criterio formado


Are you a hipnotist?/ The Flaming Lips

I had forgiven you for tricking me again.
But I have been tricked again into forgiving you.
What is this?
Are you some kind of hypnotist?
Waving your powers around.
The sun eclipse behind the cloud.
I thought I recognized your face amongst all of those strangers.
But I am stranger now amongst all of the recognized.
What is this?
Are you some kind of hypnotist?
Waving your powers around.
The sun eclipse behind the cloud.

(dato Rossa: Al parecer, los integrantes de The Flaming Lips odian a Radiohead)


Que simpático, hoy estuvieron Severina y Porfirio del Tránsito en mi casa. Mañana viene mas gente (mas rato, son las 5 a.m.) como cambian las cosas... (que rico de todas formas)

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