All right, all right. I couldn?t say it. So? I got a seven anyway. Well yes, that?s cool and everything. But anyway now I?m on the verge of death. It?s a little bit tiring this thing of post strike recovery. But well, I think I?ve managed it quite well, in spite of being almost a living dead walking. I?m recovering now.
2. A swell day
Como siempre, llegué tarde. No importó mucho, luego de darle el regalito que mi fuerza de voluntad me dejó guardarle. La misma fuerza de voluntad que se derrite cuando estamos juntos. Caminamos, caminamos y buscamos. Maldito cable tortillero. Me compró un completo gigante con bebida chica. Le compré un helado de chocolate que comió muy rápido. Llegó la micro. Corriendo, la tomó. ?Nos vemos el viernes? me dijo. Y yo me quedé parado ahí, esperándolo?
3. Yeah, whatever.
I think that my problem is inconsistency. I tend to give up without giving it up. Maybe that?s because in the end I normally get out victoriously from every trouble. Never knowing why. Never knowing if I deserve it. Can it be simple thermodynamics? You know, the normal balance in the energy amount of the universe, functioning like the atmospheric pressure system, maintaining the homeostatic balance in the system? Unlucky in love, but lucky in gambling. Everything can be explained that way. Why applying all that esoteric crap if we know how the world works? Just balance. Wind is the result of one of those balance reconfiguration shifts. The same wind that is passing through the cleft in the windowsill and is cooling my legs now, battling against the heat that comes from the heater, is a mass of air moving from a high pressure area to a low pressure one; in order to balance the difference of pressure in a closed system. The excess of luck in gambling (study, work, whatever) comes to fill any possible gap (which is actually massive) that might be present in other fields. As long as this balance continues during this week, I should not get worried. But anyway, psoriasis has stricken back?
You know what? Not even I got convinced with that. Whatever it happens, the gaps don?t get filled in. But it is certainly useful, though.
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